I decided to attend the 11:30 service this morning. I walked in during the 1st praise & worship song and the usher asked if I would like to sit closer to the front. I said sure and he took me to the very front row! Ugh, I thought... I don't like being that close to the front. I got over it quickly as praise and worship was great. :)
The message was about do we listen to Jesus or our culture. Trust that He knows everything, has my best interest at heart even if I don't understand it and trust that He can change my life. It was also about true authentic love for one another meaning that I'm going to spend myself for your good which is difficult to do.
Here's my thoughts. The above is all fine and good as authentic love is that you love another unconditionally by accepting them for who they are faults and all. It is ones heart's desire to help that person be all that they can be as it should be the same for them as well towards you. Wow! How awesome would that be if everyone looked at each other as a precious gift and treated each other as such!
Their solution was this: 'I need someone to love me who has no need of me' and they are referring to Jesus. This is good but I wanted to share that it is ok to want/need relationship with others as God created us that way. I've been in church most of my life and in high school it seemed to be repeated over and over again that all you need is Jesus so when I felt the desire to be in a relationship I would feel guilty. It's been that way for me for years until just last year. Now, I am not saying rush out to find any type of relationship. Always keep in mind though that it is better to be by yourself than to be in a relationship with a person that does not respect you and treat you well.
Yes, we do need Jesus or to believe in something that is greater than ourselves whatever that looks like for you.
Hear my words... It is normal and healthy to desire to be loved and to give love. Do not ever let anyone tell you that
ALL you need is Jesus or Buddha or whomever or whatever you believe in. We need human companionship and touch.
Ok, so much for the serious thought of the day! :)
I'm not much of a junk food person but on occasion I'll stop by the Sonic for a treat because as you know today is National Ice Cream Day! As I'm waiting, a girl and her horse, yes I said horse, walks up beside me and places their order. Ice cream for her and water for the horse. I loved it! You should have seen all the looks and smiles she was getting. I started a conversation with her. Katrina is the proud owner of a 4 year old Paint named Drifter who happens to have one blue eye and one brown eye. He was gorgeous! This is her first horse in which she's been training him for the last two years. She's getting ready in the next couple of weeks to head up into the moutains for a 3 day adventure wtih him. I wish you could have seen her face, the way she talked about Drifter and the way that she looked at him. "He's my baby", she said. I completely understood her as I am the same way about my Cheyenne girl.
I mentioned in a previous post about taking a different route or going at a different time and being open to the possibilities. Who knows, you may just meet a girl, on a horse, at your local Sonic Drive In.
Love yourself, be yourself, give of yourself!
Much Love,
Even Cheyenne wants some extra company every now and then! :)