Dana Young, PhD. introduced the M.A.T. (Meridian Aromatic Touch) with 3 new oil blends to use with it - Yang to energize, Yin, to calm down, and Governing, to balance the Meridians. Used in combination with other single oils and blends, they can assist every organ in the body.
He also introduced a new essential oil pack called the P.S.M. designed to reprogram the cells to function properly with correct information
P = Essential Oil formula with Phenylpropaoids which cleans the cell's receptor sites.
S = Essential Oil formula with Sesqueterpens, which erases the cell's erroneous code.
M = Essential Oil formula with Monoterpens, which rewrites a new healthy code.
Dr. Whiting introduced Smart Cleanse, a variety of herbal extracts and concentrated fibers to obtain maximum detoxification. It is essential to detoxify all the organs of elimination. The formula includes: psyllium, aloe powder, bentonite, celery, cascara sagrada, irish moss, peppermint, senna leaf, anise, ginger, turkey rhubarb root, acidophilus, and bromelain.
He spoke on the importance of taking charge of your life by eating exactly what your body type needs. (Metabolic type) Our Be Fit program is the healthiest weight management choice you can make. It allows for cheating (which people do anyways), has essential oil support in the Be Fit Blend and the single oil grapefruit, has meal replacements, has support from Dr. Whiting or his staff, and supports you in taking charge of your own health.
Dr. Judi Gerstung informed us of the dangers of endocrine disruption and showed us a video, called "The Male Predicament" that brought most of us to tears. You can view it on:
www.endocrinedisruption.org You can find it in the "What's New" section from "Link to Videos."
She also talked about "Solution to Cellular Pollution" encouraging us to take charge in the one way we can, choose carefully what we put into our mouths and onto our skin. Be Young products are toxin free. Shop from my Be Young store to participate in the solution to cellular pollution.
Dr. Kevin Price spoke on collecting data from satellites on crops to know the developmental state of the plants. Geographic location, climate, soils, land management, social influences, and genetics all influence plant chemical makeup. This means the essential oil quality will vary depending on the geographic area from which the plants are harvested. Plant growth stage at the time of harvest also influences oil qualities.
Dr. Winn recommended Be Young's tooth gel, Kiss (Dana and he are co-formulators)as the cleanest and safest mouth care product available on the market. It is the only one he uses on himself and his clients.
Frank Spindler went over the nutritional qualities of Masaji and made all of us drinking it very glad that we do. He noted that Australian Spirulina is known to absorb radiation, which is something that we all need to know with our current global environment.
Masaji's synergistic formulas capabilities of removing toxic metals, strengthening bones, boost the immune system, make healthy DNA, lower bad cholesterol, enhance nutrients, improve short term memory, combat viruses, destroy free radicals, offer best brain food, provide energy, reduce oxidative stress, increase night vision, stimulate the T cells, inhibit pre-cancerous cells, relieve depression and anxiety, and raise the body's frequency.
It was a wonderful learning experience in which I look forward to attending next year. It's great to be around like minded people who have the desire to not only better their health but the health of others!
Please let me know how I may support you in learning about choosing health for yourself and your family! robin@robinjonesreflexology.com
Click on the link to watch a quick Youtube clip on a recap of the convention. You'll find me on the stage a couple of times as I was trying to win a free conference for next year! (I was doing the twist on the far left of the screen.)
Top of ski run at Park City |
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